
Dr. Deb’s Thoughts & News

Dr Deb Moncauskas shares her thoughts and ideas from her 35 years in Children and Family Ministry. Also, stay tuned for upcoming events, news and announcements!

8 Books That Contributed to My Growth in 2023

Dec 30, 2023 | Family Ministry, Leadership Development, Living and Leading from Your Strengths

As I close out this year, here are my top reads of 2023.

As you can see, the impact of technology on our kids has weighed heavy on me this year. Friends, we need to pay attention this.

Every Parent's Guide to Navigating our Digital World by Kara Powell, Art Bamford and Brad M. Griffin

Every Parent’s Guide to Navigating our Digital World by Kara Powell, Art Bamford and Brad M. Griffin

This book “equips your family to approach this new connected world like a team. It helps you develop relationships, not rules. Supervision not, surveillance. And best of all, a plan that works without making media—or you—the enemy.”


Parenting in a Tech World: A handbook for raising kids in the digital age by Matt McKee and Titania Jordan

Parenting in a Tech World: A handbook for raising kids in the digital age by Matt McKee and Titania Jordan

“Parents are given straightforward knowledge, strategies, and advice on how to use technology to develop positive relationships with their children and how to keep them safe.”


Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World by Jonathan McKee

Parenting Generation Screen: Guiding Your Kids to Be Wise in a Digital World by Jonathan McKee

“Parenting Generation Screen will not only equip you to set practical screen limits for your kids but also show you how to engage in meaningful conversations with your kid so that they learn to be wise in the digital world.”


Screen Damage: The Dangers of Digital Media for Children by Michel Desmurget

Screen Damage: The Dangers of Digital Media for Children by Michel Desmurget

“Michael Desmurget, a leading neuroscientist, has carefully weighed up the scientific evidence concerning the impact of the digital activities of our children and adolescents.”


When You See Fireflies: Equipping Leaders and Parents to Ministry Effectively to Generation Alpha by Janine McNally

When You See Fireflies: Equipping Leaders and Parents to Ministry Effectively to Generation Alpha by Janine McNally

“It is impossible to reach those whom we don’t understand. Generation Alpha is a very unique group of children, and while our message must never change, our methods and strategies must keep pace with the changing culture.  We must do something before we lose an entire generation.”


They Smell Like Sheep by Lynn Anderson

They Smell Like Sheep by Lynn Anderson

“While the term shepherd produces warm images of love, care, and tenderness, it also describes a form of leadership that is perilously protective, dangerous, dirty and smelly. This book hopes to dust off and revive God’s design for spiritual leadership and bring fresh hope and fruitfulness to faithful shepherds across the Christian Community.”


Luke: A Devotional Commentary by Bob Rognlien

Luke: A Devotional Commentary by Bob Rognlien

“A commentary designed to help you listen for the voice of your Shepherd and respond by taking a step of faith every day.”


Rest by Marianne Howard

Rest by Marianne Howard

“Jesus never called us to a life of ceaseless exhaustion. He calls us to come to Him for rest. Rest that realigns our soul to live and breathe in a posture of dwelling within God’s presence.”


Coached in Strengths

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