Apr 20, 2020 | Family Ministry
I believe that what makes the biggest developmental difference in someone’s life is having at least one person who not only loves and cares about him/her but who also recognizes, celebrates and encourages their uniqueness. Someone who encourages them to excel....
Apr 10, 2020 | Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry
Telling the Story Children’s Story Bibles A Child’s Story of Easter by Susan Hardesty Let’s Celebrate Easter by Amy Beveridge & Rusty Fletcher My Easter Basket and the True Story of Easter by Mary Manz Simon The Tale of the Three Trees (The Story of the Three...
Nov 26, 2019 | Leadership Development
Every child in our ministry has been created in the image of God and therefore is valuable and full of potential. Each is on a unique and purposeful journey. Do you believe this? If so, how can you help them develop capabilities that will lead them to becoming...
Nov 26, 2019 | Leadership Development
I have often heard children and youth referred to as the “future church”. On one hand the reference speaks to our responsibility to guide and grow them in things of faith and leadership, as one day they will be leading our churches and we will be following. On the...
Nov 26, 2019 | Leadership Development
Every student has the potential to be an effective leader. Leadership skills can be practiced, developed and perfected. What skills, abilities and behaviors are critical to nurture in these young emerging leaders? Self-awareness, a healthy self-esteem, and...
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