
Dr. Deb’s Thoughts & News

Dr Deb Moncauskas shares her thoughts and ideas from her 35 years in Children and Family Ministry. Also, stay tuned for upcoming events, news and announcements!

Books That Have Influenced Me in 2020

Jan 6, 2021 | Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry, Leadership Development

Canoeing the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger 

“…five vital lessons that make up the structure of this book:

  1. The world in front of you is nothing like the world behind you.
  2. No one is going to follow you off the map unless they trust you on the map.
  3. In uncharted territory, adaption is everything.
  4. You can’t go alone, but you haven’t succeeded until you survived the sabotage.
  5. Everybody will be changed (especially the leader”

“When our old maps fail us, something within us dies. Replacing our paradigms is both deeply painful and absolutely critical.”

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

“If we want people to fully show up, to bring their whole selves including their unarmored, whole hearts—so that we can innovate, solve problems, and serve people—we have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.”

“Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings, or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior.”

“Know my values = Know me.  No values = No me.”

Dream Big by Bob Goff

“I want you to become fully awake to your biggest and most worthwhile ambitions by becoming fully awake to yourself and your God-given purposes.”

“If you are serious about your dream, surround yourself with people who love you well.”

“Our failures don’t define us; they inform us.”

Leadership in Christian Perspective by Justin A. Irving & Mark L. Strauss

 “Leaders who value people beyond external differences of gender, ethnicity, and cultural heritage, valuing people…as human beings created in the image of God.”

“The Church functions most effectively and in unity only when the diversity of gifts and callings is acknowledged and encouraged.”

Subversive Sabbath by A.J. Swoboda

“…Sabbath is a day when our hearts are at rest from striving, doing, producing, and – most important—responding to emails. A Sabbath day is not merely stopping our work; it is also stopping our thinking and scheming about work.”

“Sabbath disconnects our technologies so that we might reconnect to our Creator.”

Everybody Always by Bob Goff

 “No one expects us to love them flawlessly, but we can love them fearlessly, furiously, and unreasonably.”

“We’ll become in our lives what we do with our love.”

“Most of us don’t need more instructions; we simply need someone who believes in us.”

Generation Z Unfiltered by Tim Elmore

 “These kids are growing up with social media, and while I don’t think social media is evil or wicked, if they’re on social media they are being bombarded by as many as 10,000 messages a day, I don’t think our brains are meant to take in 10,000 messages a day, so mentally they are just overwhelmed.”

Selfless: Living Your Part in the Big Story of God by Megan Fate Marshman

 “God stands ready to fill your cup. Permanently. Fully. With no leaks, but lots of overflow.”

“We exhaust ourselves running around trying to get other people to fill our cups. It’s only when we stop running and seeking love and respect from others, that we are able to fully and honestly receive the gracious love God gives, and can begin spilling over into the lives around us.”

Coached in Strengths

Yrs at Bethel Seminary

Yrs in Ministry

Yrs Strengths Finder Coach

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